
英国出售从被判刑的毒品贩子手中“没收”的门罗币代币 UK Sells Monero Tokens ‘Seized’ From Convicted Drug Dealer 作者: Ryan Gladwin A convicted dark web drug dealer transferred his Monero holdings to UK authorities to avoid additional prison time. Now they’ve been sold. 一名被定罪的暗网毒品贩子将他持有的门罗币转交给了英国当局,以避免额外的刑期。现在这些门罗币已经被出售。 A British man was convicted of selling deadly weight loss pills, and £15,000 (about $19,350) worth of Monero was … Read more


即时支付对比稳定币:争夺实时交易的统治权 Instant Payments Versus Stablecoins: The Race to Rule Real-Time Transactions 作者: PYMNTS The future of money movement is accelerating globally. With real-time payments on the U.S. RTP® Network and in Europe setting new usage records, and awareness of instant payments growing in the U.S. since the launch of the FedNow® Service last July, organizat… … Read more


以太坊在ETF热议中稳定在3,000美元以上:转机在望? Ethereum steadies above $3k amid ETF buzz: A turnaround in sight? 作者: Sam Grant A total of 7 Ethereum ETF applicants had filed their updated registration statements with the US SEC by Monday’s deadline. 截至周一的最后期限,共有7个以太坊ETF申请人向美国证券交易委员会提交了其更新的注册声明。 Ethereum has strengthened its recovery course with price action indicating seller exhaustion. Bullish speculators are betting on the debut … Read more

Nomic 和 Osmosis 在具有里程碑意义的 DAO 间合作中免除 BTC 桥接费用。

Nomic 和 Osmosis 在具有里程碑意义的 DAO 间合作中免除 BTC 桥接费用。 Nomic and Osmosis waive BTC bridging fees in landmark DAO-to-DAO partnership 作者: Liam ‘Akiba’ Wright Following a successful DAO vote with 99.6% approval, Nomic, which offers a decentralized, non-custodial Bitcoin bridge to IBC-enabled chains like Osmosis, aims to enhance Bitcoin liquidity on the Osmosis platform. This proposal … Read more


第16大比特币鲸鱼在修正前买入4.8万个比特币,承受5亿美元的未实现损失。 16th largest Bitcoin whale buys 48k BTC before correction with $500M in unrealized losses 作者: James Van Straten Quick Take Bitcoin, currently trading 20% below its all-time high, is experiencing a period of consolidation in the high $50,000s. The market has just seen its largest correction of this cycle, dipping by 28% to just … Read more


比特币巨鲸正在以自2023年4月以来的最快速度积累。CryptoQuant报道。 Bitcoin whales are accumulating at their fastest rate since April 2023: CryptoQuant 作者: theblock.co Long-term holders of bitcoin are now accumulating their coin stashes at the fastest rate in over a year, according to CryptoQuant. 根据CryptoQuant的数据,长期持有比特币的人现在正在以超过一年来的最快速度积累他们的比特币储备。 Long-term holders of bitcoin are now accumulating their coin stashes at the fastest rate in over a year, … Read more

Dorsey的Block与Core Scientific合作开展比特币挖矿芯片项目。

Dorsey的Block与Core Scientific合作开展比特币挖矿芯片项目。 Dorsey’s Block partners with Core Scientific for bitcoin mining chip project 作者: theblock.co A new agreement between Block and Core Scientific provides the option for additional volume and is one of the industry’s largest bitcoin mining ASIC agreements. 区块公司与核心科学公司之间的一项新协议提供了额外数量的选项,是业内最大的比特币挖矿ASIC协议之一。 A new agreement between Block and Core Scientific provides the option for additional volume … Read more


加密货币CEO利用矿工投降预测中期比特币市场趋势 Crypto CEO Predicts Bitcoin Market Trends For The Mid-Term Using Miner Capitulation 作者: Scott Matherson Miners are an integral part of the Bitcoin network and since new supply comes through them, it can be important to track what the miners are doing with their coins in an effort to predict where the market might … Read more


比特币处于关键转折点,面临熊市召唤:链上数据揭示真相。 Bitcoin at Pivotal Point as Bear Market Beckons: Onchain Data 作者: coindesk.com Bitcoin is it a crucial stage in this market cycle as several factors signal continued downside whilst others indicate that BTC is set to bottom out. 比特币正处于这个市场周期的关键阶段,因为有几个因素表明将继续下跌,而其他因素则表明BTC即将触底。 Bitcoin is it a crucial stage in this market cycle as several factors signal continued … Read more


澳大利亚批准在首屈一指的证券交易所推出第二支比特币ETF。 Australia Approves Second Bitcoin ETF On Premier Stock Exchange 作者: Ronaldo Marquez Sydney-based asset manager DIGITALX has secured approval from the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) to introduce a Bitcoin ETF (exchange-traded fund), marking the second such product to receive the green light from Australia’s top stock market.  The Digita… 悉尼资产管理公司DIGITALX已获得澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)的批准,推出一只比特币ETF(交易所交易基金),这是澳大利亚顶级股市批准的第二款此类产品。 Sydney-based asset manager DIGITALX … Read more