
八个原因说明比特币熊市阶段只是一个“鬼怪故事”:基金经理说 8 Reasons Why The Bitcoin Bear Phase Is Just A ‘Boogeyman’: Fund Manager 作者: Jake Simmons While the Bitcoin price hasn’t reclaimed the crucial $60,000 level to reenter the previous 4-month trading range, Ikigai Asset Management Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Travis Kling thinks that the current bearish phase is not more than a “boogeyman.” … Read more


比特币价格平稳,因为美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔在参议院就通货膨胀发表讲话。 Bitcoin Price Flat as Fed Chair Jerome Powell Addresses Senate on Inflation 作者: finance.yahoo.com remained relatively stable as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell delivered his testimony before Senate lawmakers on July 9. During his testimony to the Senate Banking Committee, Rep. John Kennedy (R-LA) asked, “So, when are you going to lower interest rat… … Read more


无工作如何评定现金预支概要 Summary on how to Rating Cash advance Without a job 作者: Anairas Summary on how to Rating Cash advance Without a job Bitcoin Money having Underemployed: You can aquire quick bitcoin funds with no employment however, create yes you understand bitcoin because it is extremely unpredictable. Bringing that loan Regarding a pal … 关于如何在没有工作的情况下评估比特币现金贷款的概要:你可以快速获得比特币资金,无需就业,但请确保你了解比特币,因为它非常不稳定。向朋友借款…… … Read more


自2018年以来,全国因非法加密货币挖矿导致的被盗电力损失达34亿林吉特。 RM3.4bil in stolen power lost nationwide since 2018 due to illegal crypto mining 作者: The Star Online KUALA LUMPUR: The country has lost as much as RM3.4bil from 2018 to 2023 due to electricity stolen for illegal cryptocurrency mining, says Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir. Read full story 吉隆坡:阿克马尔·纳萨拉拉·莫哈末·纳西尔表示,由于非法加密货币挖矿所盗取的电力,该国从2018年至2023年已损失高达34亿林吉特。阅读全文。 KUALA LUMPUR: The country has lost … Read more


多银行集团被评为专业交易者最佳比特币经纪商。 MultiBank Group Recognized as Best Bitcoin Broker for Professional Traders 作者: Business Wire DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — MultiBank Group is pleased to announce its recognition as “Best Bitcoin Broker for Professional Traders” by FXEmpire, a leading financial markets authority. This esteemed accolade highlights MultiBank Group’s unwavering commitmen… 迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国 — MultiBank集团欣然宣布,其被FXEmpire这一领先的金融市场权威机构评为“专业交易者最佳比特币经纪商”。这一尊贵的荣誉凸显了MultiBank集团对不懈承诺…… DUBAI, United Arab … Read more


$BTC:天桥资本创始人谈为何他预期比特币价格将在年底达到10万美元 $BTC: SkyBridge Capital Founder on Why He Expects Bitcoin Price to Hit $100,000 by Year-End 作者: Siamak Masnavi On July 8, Anthony Scaramucci, founder and co-managing partner of SkyBridge Capital (a global alternative investment firm that deals in hedge funds, digital assets, private equity, and real estate) appeared on CNBC’s “Closing Bell” to share … Read more


Polygon记录超过100万个活跃地址——对MATIC价格的影响 Polygon Records Over 1 Million Active Addresses – Impact On MATIC Price 作者: Christian Encila Polygon (MATIC), which is the Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum, is currently experiencing an unusual circumstance. Although there has been a significant increase in the amount of network activity, the price of the cryptocurrency continues to be uncertain… 多边形(MATIC),作为以太坊的 … Read more


技术集团敦促拜登在选举前抓住“积极”加密货币监管的“机遇” Tech Group Urges Biden To Seize ‘Opportunity’ In ‘Positive’ Crypto Regulation Before Elections 作者: Marvie Basilan President Biden has yet to be vocally supportive of the crypto industry, and his administration has often been viewed as “hostile” by the crypto community, but a tech coalition believes he can still reverse this and see an … Read more

卡尔达诺 9.0:链上治理即将激活。

卡尔达诺 9.0:链上治理即将激活。 Cardano 9.0: On-Chain Governance Set For Activation 作者: Christian Encila On-chain governance marks a significant turning point for Cardano, the proof-of-stake blockchain famed for its painstaking development process. By means of voting on suggestions, this creative mechanism enables ADA holders to directly shape the future of the … 链上治理为卡尔达诺标志着一个重要的转折点,这个以权益证明著称的区块链因其艰苦的开发过程而闻名。通过就建议进行投票的方式,这一创新机制使得ADA持有者能够直接塑造其未来的发展… On-chain governance marks a … Read more


德国比特币钱包向交易所、场外交易柜台转移3.44亿美元 German Bitcoin Wallets Transfer $344 Million to Exchanges, OTC Desks 作者: Stacy Elliott German government wallets transferred $344 million worth of seized Bitcoin to Kraken, Coinbase, and OTC trading desks on Wednesday. 德国政府钱包在周三将价值3.44亿美元的没收比特币转移到了Kraken、Coinbase以及场外交易市场。 German government crypto wallets have moved approximately $344 million worth of Bitcoin to exchanges and over-the-counter desks this morning, according to … Read more