OKX 钱包现已被 Paras 支持,后者是 NEAR 上的一个NFT市场。

OKX 钱包现已被 Paras 支持,后者是 NEAR 上的一个NFT市场。 OKX Wallet Now Supported by Paras, an NFT Marketplace on NEAR 作者: OKX SINGAPORE, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, has issued updates for July 11, 2024. OKX Wallet Now Supported… 新加坡,2024年7月11日(环球新闻swire)——领先的Web3技术公司OKX发布了2024年7月11日的更新。OKX钱包现已支持…… SINGAPORE, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKX, a leading Web3 … Read more


比特币与美国股市步调不一,这对加密市场可能意味着什么? Bitcoin Falls Out Of Step With US Equities, What This Could Mean For The Crypto Market 作者: Scott Matherson Recent data shows that Bitcoin has completely detached from US stocks. This is significant considering how the flagship crypto and these stocks had a positive correlation before now, which undoubtedly positively impacted Bitcoin and the … Read more

超过120个DeFi协议在疑似Squarespace DNS攻击中面临风险。

超过120个DeFi协议在疑似Squarespace DNS攻击中面临风险。 Over 120 DeFi protocols at risk in suspected Squarespace DNS attack 作者: Vince Dioquino The suspected DNS attack on DeFi protocols registered with Squarespace opens the issue of vulnerabilities in domain management for decentralized protocols. The post Over 120 DeFi protocols at risk in suspected Squarespace DNS attack appeared first on Crypto B… … Read more


关于Toncoin的新Layer-2网络及其对TON的影响。 All about Toncoin’s new Layer-2 network and its impact on TON 作者: Gladys Makena TON Blockchain technology ecosystem is set to release it own layer-2 network. Despite the news, prices remains in consolidated. TON区块链技术生态系统即将发布自己的第二层网络。尽管如此,价格仍然保持横盘整理。 TON Blockchain Introduces TON Applications Chains A Layer-2 Network Using Polygon Technology. TAC aims to enable TON with Ethereum Virtual … Read more


协议:旁交易指控让加密风险投资融资成为焦点 The Protocol: Side-Dealing Accusations Put Crypto VC Funding in Spotlight 作者: coindesk.com In this week’s blockchain tech newsletter, we’re highlighting the firm Polychain’s accusation against a former general partner over an alleged ethics breach, along with Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin’s speech in Brussels and Bitcoin’s Saxony problem. . 在本周的区块链技术简报中,我们重点关注了Polychain公司对一名前普通合伙人涉嫌违反职业道德的指控,以及以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin在布鲁塞尔的演讲和比特币的萨克森问题。 In this week’s blockchain … Read more


现在您可以将比特币藏于您的皮肤之下。 Now You Can Stash Your Bitcoin Under Your Skin 作者: Jason Nelson Seattle-based VivoKey Technologies offers subdermal crypto wallets for safe cryptocurrency transactions using NFC and RFID technology. 西雅图 VivoKey 科技公司提供皮下加密钱包,利用近场通信(NFC)和射频识别(RFID)技术,确保加密货币交易的安全。 The thought of losing a crypto wallet full of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or the latest meme coin can give any investor nightmares. Seattle-based Dangerous … Read more


区块DAG提前两个月实现时间线目标,X1矿工在应用商店上线;更多关于莱特币和Pepe价格的信息。 BlockDAG 2 Months Ahead of Timeline as X1 Miner Launches on App Store; More on Litecoin and Pepe Prices 作者: Guest Author Litecoin’s active addresses have doubled, signaling robust network engagement. Meanwhile, the PEPE price changes also reflect notable market activity. Amid these shifts, BlockDAG revolutionizes mining with its X1 mining app, now launched … Read more


房地产代币化正在蓬勃发展:认识这一领域背后的领先创新者们。 Real Estate Tokenization is Booming: Meet the Leading Innovators Behind It All 作者: Livine Sanchez Real estate tokenization continues to grow at rapid speeds across the globe, metamorphosizing the industry by converting real estate into digital token equivalents. These Real-world Assets (RWAs) are tokenized to enable smooth and secure trading on blockchain… 房地产代币化在全球范围内持续快速增长,通过将房地产转化为数字代币等价物,彻底改变了这个行业。这些现实世界资产(RWAs)被代币化,以便在区块链上实现顺畅且安全的交易…… Real … Read more

巨型鲸鱼转移了价值5000万美元的以太坊,随着现货ETH ETFs逐步接近上市。

巨型鲸鱼转移了价值5000万美元的以太坊,随着现货ETH ETFs逐步接近上市。 Mega Whale Transfers $50 Million Worth Of Ethereum As Spot ETH ETFs Inch Closer To Listing 作者: Brenda Ngari On-chain analytics firm Spot On Chain observed that the transfer marks the whale’s first massive accumulation of Ether, as the whole stockpile was moved to a new wallet address. 链上分析公司Spot On Chain观察到,此次转账标志着这位巨鲸首次大量积累以太币,因为整个库存都被转移到了一个新的钱包地址。 As the … Read more


维塔利克在ETHCC探讨以太坊的优势与不足之处 Vitalik Explores Ethereum’s Strengths and Weaknesses at ETHCC 作者: Onose Enaholo Ethereum’s co-founder explained some of Ethereum’s issues at the EthCC. He also proposed solutions to these problems, like simplifying protocol and making solo staking easier. At the Ethereum Community Conference, the co-founder of the cryptocurrency, Vitalik… 以太坊的联合创始人在EthCC上解释了一些以太坊的问题。他还提出了这些问题的解决方案,比如简化协议和使单打独斗的质押更加容易。在以太坊社区大会上,这一加密货币的联合创始人维塔利克…… Ethereum’s co-founder explained some of Ethereum’s … Read more