
以太坊价格预测2024年7月及一个新的多链预售机会 Ethereum Price Prediction July 2024 and a New Multi-Chain Presale Opportunity 作者: Alvin Hemedez Ethereum is currently facing strong selling pressure, and the bearish momentum is evident. This prompts the question: what are the… Continue reading Ethereum Price Prediction July 2024 and a New Multi-Chain Presale Opportunity The post Ethereum Price Predicti… 以太坊目前正面临强劲的卖压,熊市势头明显。这引发了这样一个问题:什么是……继续阅读2024年7月以太坊价格预测及一个新的多链预售机会。 这篇文章“以太坊价格预测……” … Read more


为何Doge2014能够复制狗币的成功,并有望在前面实现超过600倍的增长? Why Doge2014 Could Replicate Dogecoin’s Success With Potential for Over 600x Spike Ahead 作者: Eric Dunne Doge2014 was created to celebrate 10 years of Dogecoin trading.  The token aims to offer an opportunity similar to that of early Dogecoin investors. Dogecoin’s launch began a major crypto revolution as the first and most established meme … Read more


理解智能合约:DeFi中安全交易的中坚力量 Understanding Smart Contracts: The backbone of secure transactions in DeFi 作者: ET CONTRIBUTORS This article explores DeFi and Ethereum-based smart contracts introduced by Nick Szabo, streamlining lending platforms, DEXs like Uniswap, and tokenized assets. Key features include atomic settlements and composability. Despite efficiencies, risks like the Po… 本文探讨了由Nick Szabo提出的去中心化金融(DeFi)和基于以太坊的智能合约,简化了贷款平台、像Uniswap这样的去中心化交易所(DEXs)以及代币化资产。其主要特性包括原子性结算和组合性。尽管存在效率,但也存在类似Po…等风险。 Imagine a world where promises … Read more


memecoins是Web3精神的真正体现吗? Are Memecoins The True Manifestation Of The Web3 Spirit? 作者: Jemma Green, Contributor, Jemma Green, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemmagreen/ Memecoins may seem frivolous, born from internet jokes rather than serious financial innovation. But this dismissal misses something crucial about the nature of Web3. meme币可能看起来很轻浮,源自互联网笑话而非严肃的金融创新。但这种轻视忽略了对Web3本质的一些关键理解。 Soccer legend Messi Lionel Messi’s Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images Memecoins are … Read more


顶级加密货币分析师预测以太坊将迅速复苏,称ETH将迎来大涨。 Top Crypto Analyst Predicts Swift Ethereum Recovery, Says Big Run Coming for ETH 作者: Henry Kanapi A widely followed crypto strategist believes that the leading altcoin Ethereum (ETH) is close to carving a mid-cycle bottom. In a new video update, pseudonymous analyst Bluntz tells his 264,400 followers on the social media platform X that … Read more

如何=nil; 基金会旨在通过zk分片技术横向扩展以太坊。

如何=nil; 基金会旨在通过zk分片技术横向扩展以太坊。 How =nil; Foundation aims to horizontally scale Ethereum with zkSharding 作者: theblock.co nil; Foundation CPO Avi Zurlo explains the difference between horizontal and vertical scaling solutions for blockchains. nil;基金会首席产品官Avi Zurlo解释了区块链水平扩展和垂直扩展解决方案之间的区别。 nil; Foundation CPO Avi Zurlo explains the difference between horizontal and vertical scaling solutions for blockchains. This story appeared on theblock.co, 2024-07-10. nil;基金会首席产品官Avi … Read more


BTCS公司推出ChainQ:一款由人工智能驱动的区块链分析平台。 BTCS Inc. Launches ChainQ: An AI-Powered Blockchain Analytics Platform 作者: BTCS Inc. Silver Spring, MD, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) (“BTCS” or the “Company”), a blockchain technology-focused company, is proud to announce the launch of ChainQ, its pioneering blockchain analytics platform designed to revolutionize… 银泉市,马里兰州,2024年7月10日(全球新闻swire)——区块链技术公司BTCS Inc.(纳斯达克:BTCS,“BTCS”或“公司”)自豪地宣布推出ChainQ,其开创性的区块链分析平台,旨在革新…… Silver Spring, MD, … Read more


维塔利克·布特林提倡对51%攻击采取自动化响应。 Vitalik Buterin advocates for automated responses to 51% attacks 作者: Vince Dioquino At the Ethereum Community Conference in Brussels, Buterin discussed enhancing Ethereum’s defense against 51% attacks through automation. The post Vitalik Buterin advocates for automated responses to 51% attacks appeared first on Crypto Briefing. 在布鲁塞尔的以太坊社区会议上,布特林讨论了通过自动化增强以太坊对抗51%攻击的能力。 文章《维塔利克·布特林提倡对51%攻击采用自动化响应》首先出现在Crypto Briefing上。 Key Takeaways Buterin proposes automated software … Read more


两步之遥即为空——利用类似CDN的IPFS驱动的加密货币吸取骗局 Two clicks from empty – IPFS-powered crypto drainer scams leveraging look-alike CDNs 作者: Harry Freeborough More than $40k lost to crypto drainer scams leveraging IPFS and malicious code hidden behind look-alike CDN imitations. At Netcraft, we’ve been disrupting cryptocurrency-based scams for over 10 years, including more than 15,000 IPFS phishing takedowns sinc… 超过4万美元被利用IPFS和隐藏在类似CDN伪装背后的恶意代码的加密货币诈骗所损失。 在Netcraft,我们已经在打击基于加密货币的诈骗方面工作了十多年,包括自那以来已经清除超过15,000个IPFS网络钓鱼网站。 More … Read more


带有AI驱动交易工具的模因币预售达到700万美元——这会是下一个爆炸式增长的加密货币吗? Meme Coin with AI-Powered Trading Tools Hits $7M in Presale – Could This Be the Next Crypto to Explode? 作者: Alvin Hemedez WienerAI, a new project with AI-powered trading tools, is shaking things up in the meme coin space, proving innovation thrives… Continue reading Meme Coin with AI-Powered Trading Tools Hits $7M in Presale … Read more