
特朗普对加密货币的新热情可能帮助他赢得更多选票:民意调查 Trump’s New Crypto Enthusiasm Could Help Him Win More Votes: Poll 作者: Jesse Hamilton Former President Donald Trump’s recent embrace of cryptocurrency after his long-standing skepticism may win him some votes among reluctant Republicans as he seeks a return to the White House in November, according to an industry-sponsored poll released on Wed… 前总统唐纳德·特朗普在经过长期的怀疑态度后最近接受加密货币,可能会在今年11月他寻求重返白宫时,赢得一些犹豫不决的共和党人的选票,根据周三发布的一项由行业赞助的民意调查… … Read more


索拉纳梗币TRUMPFEL上涨13,000%:目光瞄准再涨18,000%? Solana memecoin TRUMPFEL up 13,000%: Eyes another 18,000%? 作者: Dipayan Mitra Solana’s newly launched memecoin Trump The Felon might surge by 18,000% after KuCoin lists it. 索拉纳新推出的模因币“特朗普罪犯”在库币上市后可能会飙升18,000%。 TRUMPFELs price has already increased by more than 13,000%. BONK and WIF continued to remain bearish.  The Solana [SOL] ecosystem has gained much traction over the last … Read more


索拉纳的$WATER加密货币暴增350%——多亏了梅西、罗纳尔迪尼奥! Solana’s $WATER crypto skyrockets +350% – Thanks to Messi, Ronaldinho! 作者: Benjamin Njiri Market exhibit mixed signals on Solana-based WATER crypto memecoin despite promotion by soccer stars. 尽管足球明星的推广,市场上对基于Solana的WATER加密梗币显示出混杂的信号。 Water crypto token pumps after endorsement by soccer stars. Some are skeptical about the memecoin despite a remarkable rally in the past few days.  The Solana … Read more


索拉纳蓄势待发,巨大涨幅可期:加密货币专家预测目标价为600美元。 Solana Primed For Massive Gains: Crypto Pundit Forecasts $600 Price Target 作者: Ronaldo Marquez In recent weeks, Solana (SOL), the 5th largest cryptocurrency on the market, experienced a period of decline, hitting a two-month low of $121 on Friday. The coin’s value struggled to break above the $188 level in May, resulting in a … Read more


检查基于Solana的BONK在12%涨幅后如何“翻转”WIF。 Examining how Solana-based BONK ‘flipped’ WIF after 12% hike 作者: Chanakya A flippening on the memecoin front could have major consequences. 在模因币领域的一次翻转可能会带来重大后果。 BONK may hit the $0.00004-level if it closes strongly above the $0.000028-level Investors seem to be showing more interest in WIF, compared to BONK Following the latest updat… [+1944 chars] 如果BONK强势收于0.000028美元上方,它可能触及0.00004美元的水平 与BONK相比,投资者似乎对WIF表现出更多的兴趣 … Read more


您没有看错:模拟人工智能是互联网商业的未来。 You’re not hallucinating: simulated AIs are the future of internet business 作者: Pete Sena Websim and AI-generated world-building is the future of the internet. Web模拟和人工智能生成的世界构建是互联网的未来。 If this seems like a waste of time, its not. (Especially if youre the parent of a toddler; we know cool distractions are never a waste of time .) … Read more


索拉纳狂潮:大买家推动顶级加密交易所的涨势 Solana Frenzy: Big Buyers Fueling Rally On Top Crypto Exchanges 作者: Christian Encila Driven by a mix of positive elements, Solana (SOL) is seeing a spike in trading activity. This covers big buy orders, institutional investors’ savvy purchasing approach, and the expected release of SOL-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Related Reading: Flok… 由多种积极因素驱动,索拉纳(SOL)的交易活动激增。这包括大宗购买订单,机构投资者的精明购买策略,以及预期将发布的基于SOL的交易所交易基金(ETFs)。相关阅读:Flok… Driven by … Read more


在市场低迷时购买的5大梗币 – PEPU、WAI、PLAY、SHIBASHOOT 和 DAWGZ 5 Best Meme Coins to Buy During the Market Dip – PEPU, WAI, PLAY, SHIBASHOOT, and DAWGZ 作者: Alvin Hemedez The overall market downturn this month prompted investors to seek altcoins that they could potentially buy during this market dip.… Continue reading 5 Best Meme Coins to Buy During the … Read more

票务大师&沙赞,Beatport & Beatdapp & 更多音乐行业交易

票务大师&沙赞,Beatport & Beatdapp & 更多音乐行业交易 Ticketmaster & Shazam, Beatport & Beatdapp & More Music Industry Deals 作者: Chris Eggertsen Ticketmaster and Shazam, Beatport and Beatdapp and more music industry deals involving Virgin Music Group, Believe, and Red Light Management. 票务大师和Shazam,Beatport和Beatdapp以及更多涉及维珍音乐集团、Believe公司和红光管理的音乐行业交易。 Ticketmaster partnered with Shazam for a deal allowing artists to link to their Ticketmaster-listed events … Read more


特朗普将出席田纳西州纳什维尔举行的2024比特币大会并发表讲话——加密货币社区作出反应。 Trump Set To Speak At Upcoming Bitcoin 2024 Conference In Nashville — Crypto Community Reacts 作者: Brenda Ngari Former President Donald Trump has been announced as a speaker at the upcoming Bitcoin conference in Nashville, Tennessee, later this month. 前总统唐纳德·特朗普已被宣布为本月晚些时候在田纳西州纳什维尔举行的比特币大会的演讲嘉宾。 Former President Donald Trump has been announced as a speaker at the upcoming Bitcoin … Read more