
“市场‘即将来临’的‘调整’警告突然亮起红灯——就在标普500、纳指和道指创下历史新高之际” An ‘Imminent’ Stock Market ‘Correction’ Warning Suddenly Flashed Red—Just As The S&P 500, Nasdaq And Dow Hit Record Highs 作者: Billy Bambrough, Senior Contributor, Billy Bambrough, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/ One analyst has pointed to a surprise stock market warning like that’s just begun flashing red… 一位分析师指出,股市刚刚开始闪现出令人意外的红色警告…… Stock markets are surging after Federal Reserve chair … Read more


加密货币挖矿对人类健康的危害与传统挖矿相当——研究显示。 Cryptocurrency mining harms human health as much as traditional mining – study 作者: Sarah DeWeerdt The social costs of mining cryptocurrency will outstrip the value of the coins well before mining them becomes unprofitable, a new study suggests. 一项新研究指出,挖掘加密货币的社会成本将远远超过这些货币的价值,这在挖掘它们变得无利可图之前就会发生。 Production of cryptocurrency units like Bitcoins is often referred to as mining. This is a … Read more

交易员预测Celestia (TIA)将上涨231%,更新对比特币牛市周期前景的看法。

交易员预测Celestia (TIA)将上涨231%,更新对比特币牛市周期前景的看法。 Trader Predicts 231% Rally for Celestia (TIA), Updates Outlook on Bitcoin Bull Market Cycle 作者: Daily Hodl Staff A closely followed crypto trader is predicting a massive rally for modular blockchain network Celestia (TIA). Pseudonymous trader Criptopaul tells his 109,000 followers on the social media platform X that TIA could soar to $24, … Read more


USDC交易量在2024年激增至230亿美元:背后上涨的原因是什么? USDC volume surges to $23B in 2024: What are the reasons behind the rise? 作者: Gladys Makena USDC stablecoin trading volume has surged to $23B in 2024 as the demand for regulated stablecoins rises. USDC稳定币交易量在2024年激增到230亿美元,随着对受监管稳定币的需求上升。 USDC trading volume surged to $23 billion in 2024. Increased regulatory hurdles increased demand for regulated stablecoins. The crypto … Read more


高盛拥抱加密货币,三项新举措已在计划中。 Goldman Sachs Embraces Crypto With Three New Initiatives In The Pipeline 作者: Ronaldo Marquez To capitalize on the growing interest in the crypto industry, banking giant Goldman Sachs is preparing to enter the tokenization sector, with three offerings expected to launch later this year.  Goldman Sachs Aims To Capitalize On Tokenization Trend According… 为了充分利用对加密行业的日益增长的兴趣,银行业巨头高盛集团正在准备进入代币化领域,预计今年晚些时候将推出三项相关服务。高盛集团旨在利用代币化趋势…… … Read more


加密货币价格于7月11日:比特币跌至5.8万美元以下;雪崩和吨币跌幅达5% Cryptocurrency price on July 11: Bitcoin falls below $58k; Avalanche, Toncoin tank up to 5% 作者: Navdeep Singh Crypto markets dropped 1.4% with Bitcoin, Solana, and Ethereum declining, while BNB, XRP, Cardano, and Tron rose up to 3%. 加密市场下跌了1.4%,比特币、索拉纳和以太坊出现下滑,而币安、瑞波、卡尔达诺和波场则上涨了高达3%。 Cryptocurrency markets traded lower on Thursday, dragged by Bitcoin, Solana, and Dogecoin. The global cryptocurrency … Read more


PEPE的价格走势取决于这些巨鲸——所有细节都在这里。 PEPE’s price action depends on these whales – All the details 作者: Kelvin Murithi A major transfer could be the first step to a price hike on PEPE’s charts. 一次大规模转移可能是PEPE图表上价格上涨的第一步。 Whale activity can significantly influence PEPE’s price Large transfers often coincide with notable price changes On 10 July, Etherscan data reported a huge PEPE … Read more

‘接近终点线’: Bitwise首席合规官谈论以太坊ETF进展情况

‘接近终点线’: Bitwise首席合规官谈论以太坊ETF进展情况 ‘Close To The Finish Line’: Bitwise CCO Speaks On Ethereum ETFs Progress 作者: Rubmar Garcia On Tuesday, Katherine Dowling, Chief Communications Officer (CCO) at Bitwise Asset Management, discussed the firm’s spot Ethereum ETF (exchange-traded fund) application and the possibility of new crypto-related products being approved by the US Securities and… 周二,Bitwise资产管理公司首席通讯官(CCO)凯瑟琳·道林讨论了该公司以太坊现货ETF(交易所交易基金)的申请以及新的与加密相关的产品可能获得美国证券交易委员会批准的可能性。 On Tuesday, … Read more


数据泄露事件的影响正在助长诈骗活动。 Impact of data breaches is fueling scam campaigns 作者: Chetan Raghuprasad Data breaches have become one of the most crucial threats to organizations across the globe, and they’ve only become more prevalent and serious over time.   A data breach occurs when unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive, protected… 数据泄露已成为全球组织面临的最重要威胁之一,而且随着时间的推移,这种情况越来越普遍,也越来越严重。 数据泄露发生时,未经授权的个人获取了敏感的、受保护的信息… Data breaches have … Read more


美国CFTC主席贝南坚持认为比特币和以太坊是商品。 U.S. CFTC Chief Behnam Insists Bitcoin And Ethereum Are Commodities 作者: Brenda Ngari Rostin Behnam has once more asserted that Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) — the two largest cryptos by market value — are commodities. 罗斯汀·贝南再次宣称,按市值计算最大的两种加密货币——比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)——属于商品。 Rostin Behnam, the chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), has once more asserted that Bitcoin … Read more