
范·艾克公司的马修·西格尔解释为何其公司尚未寻求推出XRP现货ETF。 VanEck’s Matthew Sigel Explains Why His Firm Isn’t Pursuing a Spot XRP ETF Yet 作者: CryptoGlobe Writer On July 9, 2024, Matthew Sigel, Head of Digital Assets Research at VanEck, spoke with Tony Edward, the founder and host of the YouTube series Thinking Crypto. During the interview, Sigel provided detailed insights into VanEck’s crypto … Read more

Pyth网络推出Express Relay,旨在减少DeFi中的MEV。

Pyth网络推出Express Relay,旨在减少DeFi中的MEV。 Pyth Network introduces Express Relay, aiming to reduce MEV in DeFi 作者: Liam ‘Akiba’ Wright Pyth Network has launched Express Relay on mainnet, introducing a decentralized solution to the issue of Miner Extractable Value (MEV) in DeFi transactions. The Pyth Network provides real-time market data for blockchain applications, focusing on securely and … … Read more


欧洲稳定币市场在新实施的MiCA规则下出现下滑。 European stablecoin market declines under newly imposed MiCA rules 作者: Oluwapelumi Adejumo The market capitalization of European stablecoins declined in June due to the implementation of the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation, according to CCData’s latest stablecoin report. The market cap of Euro-based stablecoins fell by 2.51%, hitting a s… 根据CCData最新的稳定币报告,由于 Markets in Crypto-Assets … Read more


以太坊ETF发行者热切等待美国证券交易委员会提供有关可能最终申报的详细信息:消息来源。 Ethereum ETF issuers eagerly waiting on the SEC to provide details on potentially final filings: Sources 作者: theblock.co Prospective Ethereum ETF issuers are anticipating that the end is in sight following multiple rounds of filings and revisions. 潜在以太坊ETF发行方预计,在经过多轮的文件提交和修订后,终点已经快要到来。 Prospective Ethereum ETF issuers are anticipating that the end is in sight following multiple rounds of … Read more


潘特拉支持的替代币在被纳入Coinbase上市路线图后暴涨79% Pantera-Backed Altcoin Explodes 79% After Being Added to Coinbase Listing Roadmap 作者: Daily Hodl Staff An altcoin backed by crypto hedge fund Pantera Capital is rallying after the top US crypto exchange Coinbase announced a possible future listing of the token. In a new announcement, Coinbase says it is adding Stader (SD) to its … Read more


加密货币顾问指南:加密货币与合规性 Crypto for Advisors: Crypto and Compliance 作者: Beth Haddock, Sarah Morton The coming years are crucial for compliance and risk in crypto. Beth Haddock discusses strategies advisors can take to protect their brand while serving clients as fiduciaries. 即将到来的几年对加密货币领域的合规性和风险至关重要。Beth Haddock讨论了顾问们可以采取的策略,以在作为受托人服务客户的同时保护自己的品牌。 In todays issue, Beth Haddock from Warburton Advisers considers how the coming years are … Read more


为什么我选择比特币Ordinals发布“前线” Why I Chose Bitcoin Ordinals to Release ‘Frontline’ 作者: Alexis André Artist Alexis André explains the attraction of Bitcoin for releasing his latest generative art collection. 艺术家亚历克西斯·安德烈解释了比特币对他发布最新生成艺术系列的吸引力。 I like to say that I do pixels very well, but I’m not a blockchain expert. I fear anything that is related to statistics and security, as … Read more


乌兹别克斯坦的狼,用1000美元在2年内赚了1900万美元。 Wolf of Uzbekistan, Which Made $19,000,000 Out Of $1000 In 2 Years 作者: Christian Encila Eshniyozov Shohjaxon Akmal Ogli, the inspiring Forex trader known as “Brother” within the sector, has one of the best background stories across the Forex markets. The Trader, nicknamed The Wolf of Uzbekistan, has quickly become a legend whose career … Read more


外汇交易传奇:能帮助你将5万美元变为700万美元的人。 The Forex Trading Legend That Can Help You Turned $50K Into $7 Million 作者: Christian Encila Eshniyozov Shohjaxon Akmal Ogli, the inspiring Forex trader known as “Brother” within the sector, has one of the best background stories across the Forex markets. The Trader, nicknamed The Wolf of Uzbekistan, has quickly become a legend whose … Read more


英国出售从被判刑的毒品贩子手中“没收”的门罗币代币 UK Sells Monero Tokens ‘Seized’ From Convicted Drug Dealer 作者: Ryan Gladwin A convicted dark web drug dealer transferred his Monero holdings to UK authorities to avoid additional prison time. Now they’ve been sold. 一名被定罪的暗网毒品贩子将他持有的门罗币转交给了英国当局,以避免额外的刑期。现在这些门罗币已经被出售。 A British man was convicted of selling deadly weight loss pills, and £15,000 (about $19,350) worth of Monero was … Read more